El Camino High School Academic Team

What is Academic League?

Academic League is a San Diego based academic trivia competition for High Schoolers. Students compete in 5 vs. 5 rounds against other local schools. We have Varsity (Juniors & Seniors), Junior Varsity (Sophomores & Juniors), and Freshmen teams. Even though our teams are mostly at certain grade levels, anyone can choose the team they feel the most synergy with! We are determined to win but more importantly, to have fun.

Refine Academic Skills

Students in Academic League are quizzed on their academic knowledge in a fun way, helping them to refresh topics in their mind and gain more from their high school educations.

Make new friends

The Academic League team is a very close knit community. Anyone who joins will fit right in and become close with everyone else on the team. We are all determined to work together to win!

Latest posts

  • 11/7/24 Welcome to Academic League

    Even though the season starts in January, we’re starting up practices now! Practice Information for this year: We are also trying to fundraise for this season! Our funds will go toward registration fees, events, and uniforms! If you would like to contribute, you can buy a collared shirt for $50 and a T-shirt for $35…

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